Need a stress remedy NOW? Try Jason Lewis’ research-inspired music for anxiety relief — available on YouTube. It’s free, and it works!

Being sensitive and prone to anxiety myself, I’m always excited to find a new remedy — especially when it’s both natural and effective. And, there’s real science behind this one — the study of isochronic tones.

If you share a similar struggle, you’ve probably already tried many natural anti-anxiety aids. As circumstances would have it, perhaps they worked for others, but not for you. Or, you found one that worked for you, but not for others. And let’s not forget the ones that didn’t work for anybody. ? I’ve tried those too.

But! This music, backed by science, works for me. It’s free and available on YouTube. So what’s to lose?

Read on. You’re just a click away.



music for anxiety relief - a woman relaxes with eyes closed as bars of music waft through the air

Jason Lewis’ brain balm calmed my mind, and science suggests it will settle yours too. Here’s the link: Low Alpha Isochronic Tones for Anxiety and Panic Attack Relief.

I encourage you to start listening right now, as you’re reading this. Don’t overthink, just do it. And as your mind begins to unwind, I’ll unpack these pointers:

  • Making the Most of the Music
  • The Brain Science (waves)
  • The Beat Science (tones)
  • The Fusion: Music plus Tones Equals Anxiety Relief



In order to maximize your anxiety relief, follow these tips prior to (or while) listening:

  1. Drink some water. Your cerebrum syncs best with a hydrated body. Why? Because your brain is 75% water! I just learned this and it blows my mind! ? I’m surprised I don’t hear sloshing sounds while shaking my head. Knowing this fact gives the term “brain waves” a whole new meaning. ??
  2. Breathe. Inhale into your belly. Hold for a second. Exhale more slowly. Try it through your nose. Proper breathing, even by itself, is an effective anti-anxiety aid.
  3. Smell something nice. Since you’re already breathing, why not inhale a calming aromatherapy fragrance? Lavender is especially good for relaxation.
  4. Headphones optional. These aren’t necessary, though using them may enhance your experience. The over-ear type help eliminate external noise and distractions.



Your brain is a busy hub of electrical traffic. Neurons (the cells in your brain) create charged activity while communicating with each other. This incredible interface speaks a common language — the tongue of electricity.



Healthline describes your mental surf  ??  (I had to) as follows:

When a group of neurons sends an electrical signal to another group of neurons, we call those brain waves. This is because the computer-generated electroencephalogram (EEG) test — which detects and measures electrical impulses in your brain — creates a wavelike picture.



There are five types of brain waves. These are (ranging from very slow to very fast):

  • Delta — Your brain produces delta waves when you’re in a state of deep, dreamless sleep. This is the slowest type of brain wave.
  • Theta — When you’re extremely relaxed or somewhat dozy, your brain produces more theta waves.
  • Alpha — Your brain produces these waves when you’re not concentrating on anything specific. Whatever you’re doing, you’re calm and relaxed.
  • Beta — These waves appear when you’re alert and focused, concentrating on tasks and making decisions.
  • Gamma — The surf is really picking up now! ? Gamma waves are the fastest, and they kick in when you’re actively engaged in learning new things, concentrating hard and solving problems.



And now, on to the pulsating sounds of relaxation. Weird, right? Not exactly what comes to mind when you think “spa music”. But this, my friend, is what you are listening to right now (provided you took my advice and clicked the YouTube link above).?

There’s a pulse, isn’t there? It’s subtle but very present. What you’re hearing are isochronic tones, and your stressed brain craves them.

According to Healthline, isochronic tones are single tones that turn on and off at regular, evenly spaced intervals. The interval is typically brief, creating a beat similar to the rhythm of your pulse.

To heighten mental clarity and ease anxiety, science-minded musicians embed these tones in music. This is exactly where Jason Lewis excels.



In the midst of stress, your brain produces greater levels of high beta (the fast waves) activity.  These busy brain waves, when inundated with low alpha isochronic tones, respond by slowing. The result? Relief for anxious emotions.

Just an aside: According to composer-scientist Jason Lewis, isochronic tones are most commonly used for short-term benefits.  They provide a chemical-free alternative to alcohol, pills, and other forms of medication. Accordingly, tonal therapy is not meant to replace any medicine prescribed by your doctor. It is, however, a great addition, lacking negative side effects.



I hope you’re enjoying the music and beginning to feel more settled.

There’s no cure-all remedy for anxiety and panic attacks. That said, there are many tools to help manage them. Mindful living helps. So does journaling. Connecting with God too — especially through the practice of Holy Yoga. And finally, this music — embedded with low alpha isochronic tones — offers another comfort to ease anxiety.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! I’d love to hear your thoughts on Jason’s music for anxiety and panic attack relief. Your questions and comments are always welcome in the field below. — Ali ?


  1. When a sound reaches your ears, the slight difference in arrival time at your ears will help you in determining where it comes from. Here is a fun test you can do yourself. You need 2 smartphones and install a free metronome app on each one. Set one metronome at, say, 60 beats/minute and the other at, say, 59 beats/minute. With an earbud listen to one metronome with your left ear and the other one with your right ear. You will then hear the beats traveling slowly THROUGH YOUR HEAD, from one ear to the other. The larger the difference in beats/minute between the two metronomes, the faster they will travel through your head! An unbelievable sensation.

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