Jesus invites you to abide in Him. Begin by meeting God in stillness of soul. Add to this complete submission and a teachable heart, and you’ll foster the right disposition.
But before all this, you’ve got to slow down! When your thoughts and your feet are going a mile a minute, this only serves to multiply distractions. So take ten minutes. You can spare that, right?
Sit and focus on your breath. Here’s a breathing exercise to help you. It’s grounding and will slow the churning mind.
Welcome back. 🙂 Now that your mind is back in the moment, let’s make room for God.
Before going any further though, I must credit my favorite non-fiction writer — Andrew Murray — with most of this article’s content. His book is so profound, and at the same time, so simple. Follow this link to the softcover, if you’re hungry for more quality time in God’s Presence: Abide in Christ.
There’s lots of conflicting advice out there when it comes to the virtue of stillness and how to cultivate it.
But what does the Bible mean when it speaks of being still and doing no-thing? Let’s explore the mystery of stillness (ceasing from effort) as the secret to the highest level of human activity.
When God and humans work together it is not a union where both contribute their part to a project. The relationship is very different — it is a cooperation founded on subordination. Perfect submission is your role.
Oh, how our culture hates the word submission. The worldly individual aspires only to lead — to assert his or her rights. But this is the opposite of God’s way.
Chew on this:
As Jesus was entirely dependent on the Father for all His words and all His works, so the believer can do nothing by himself. What he can do by himself is altogether sinful. Therefore, he must cease entirely from his own doing and WAIT for the working of God in him.
Oh, to be still of soul and mind — to wait in this place of dependence. Persevere, and believe that God will meet you here.
In His Hand, at His Service
A beautiful illustration of this humility and dependence comes from the music hall.
In proportion to your yielding as a truly passive instrument in the hand of God, you will be wielded as the active instrument of God’s almighty power. (Murray)
God moves in this place of quiet surrender and faith. Therefore wait — in expectancy, but without expectation. What I mean is, don’t put God in a box or limit how you think He should respond. His options are far beyond your imagination! Don’t demand He do things “your way.” Simply trust He is moving, and be patient.
It’s ridiculous to try and micromanage your Creator. 😉
A Teachable Heart
If your goal is to abide in Christ, then stillness of soul is the first step to getting there. This is true because stillness requires surrender. Surrender — giving up control — pairs well with humility, which molds your willful heart into one that is teachable. This is where God reveals His mysteries.
Cease from thine own wisdom.” (Proverbs 23:4)
To cultivate this quiet spirit, your thoughts must be brought into subjection. Prepare your heart, in silence, to wait upon God and to hear when He speaks.
As you sink low before Him in nothingness and helplessness — in a silence and a stillness of soul that seeks to catch the faintest whisper of His love — teachings will come that you had never heard before because of the rush and noise of your own thoughts and efforts. (Murray)
In this state, God invites you to yield. He is already working, mightily.
You’ve heard the phrase: “He’s so heavenly minded that he’s no earthly good”, right? Well, like a lot of modern catch phrases, this one’s not true. History reveals that the most heavenly minded individuals also do the most earthly good. It’s just that the world — the secular system presently under Satan’s power — often dismisses their contributions. Ah, but in heaven all will come clear.
How Are You Entertained?
Fleeing worldliness doesn’t mean locking yourself in your room with no electronics, and only a Bible to read. Rather, it means entering into every activity with discernment. Poor choice of entertainment, or too much of it, also disturbs stillness of soul.
All your time and resources are gifts — to be used with spiritual gain in mind. Relaxation and recreation are needful. In fact, God commands you to rest. But even in fun, discretion is needed. The Bible warns:
Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit … ” — Ephesians 5:15-18 (NIV)
God’s Word warns against entering needlessly and too deeply into the interests of this secular world. Don’t be fooled — the content of music, movies and media does impact your soul. Be wise with your entertainment choices. This is not some sort of legalism, but for your soul’s health.
On a Personal Note — Ellie Holcomb versus Taylor Swift
Case in point: I love some of Taylor Swift’s music. She’s incredibly talented. That said, a steady dose of her catchy — and sketchy — lyrics doesn’t bring out the best in me. I wind up feeling fleshly and unbalanced, with her bubblegum tunes pumping carnal imagery through my brain.
I mean seriously, do you want your daughter chanting stuff like: “Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price. You know that I bought it. … So, cut the headlights, summer’s a knife. I’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone. Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes. And if I bleed, you’ll be the last to know.” Not very healthy.
My cure for too much Taylor is Ellie Holcomb. What a difference! If you want an antidote to secular music, do yourself a favor and start exploring the Christian music scene. It’s not perfect, but the lyrics lift your heart and keep it in the right place — worshiping the Creator. I’ve got to plug Ellie Holcomb’s “Find You Here“, because it’s so inspiring. Take a YouTube break and let this beautiful melody wash over you.
Cast Your Cares
Worry naturally disturbs stillness of soul.
Then, there is the restlessness and worry that come of care and anxiety about earthly things; these eat away the life of trust and keep the soul like a troubled sea. There the gentle whispers of the Holy Comforter cannot be heard. (Murray)
Moment by Moment has much to say on the topic of dispelling worry. If this is a struggle for you, check out this article for some encouragement and victory over worries.
God is so faithful and patient with us. I don’t know about you, but often I cast my cares upon Jesus, only to find them returning a few minutes later. This is no cause for despair! There’s a verse, famously written by Peter, which describes the constant casting and recasting of cares (anxieties). It goes like this:
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
What happens when a fisherman casts his net? It catches fish, hopefully. And reliably it always floats with the tide, back to the caster — who recasts it! So keep it up and don’t despair.
He is faithful.
Hold Your Plans Lightly
It’s good to plan — just remember Who has the best plans for you. Surprisingly, it’s not always you. 🙂
All good plans begin in the center of God’s will. This is a complex subject, so for more on God’s plans, click my related article. Here’s just a gentle reminder to bring all your agendas — no matter how noble — into God’s hands. Hold personal plans lightly. Be flexible with timetables.
If there’s a passion in your heart (that doesn’t go against Scripture), ask your Heavenly Father about it. Pursue it, by all means, but if doors close, don’t keep butting your head against them.
Perhaps the timing is off.
Or maybe God has something different for you — something better.
Don’t get so caught up in blazing your trail that you lose God’s hand along the way. Pause to let Him show you where He is already working, that He may empower you to join Him.
Andrew Murray puts it well:
The heart occupied with its own plans and efforts for doing God’s will … must fail continually. God’s work is hindered by our interference. He can do His work perfectly only when the soul ceases from its work. He will do His work mightily in the soul that honors Him by expecting Him to work both to will and to do.”
Resist Impatience
Patience is so hard for us humans, isn’t it? I hear people grumble about having to wait, or groan about God teaching them patience. Yet the earlier you embrace the privilege of waiting on God , the sooner frustration will cease.
… even when the soul seeks truly enter the way of faith, there is the impatience of the flesh, which forms its judgment of the life and progress of the soul not after the divine, but the human standard. (Murray)
Blessed therefore, is the person who learns the lesson of stillness of soul and fully accepts God’s Word:
In returning and rest you shall be saved. In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” – Isaiah 30:15
To wrap this all up, for effective abiding in Christ, cultivate:
- utter dependence on the Lord
- a teachable heart
- an eternal perspective
And … stillness of soul.
Even when starting a time of Bible study, a spiritual endeavor, don’t begin without first pausing and waiting until your soul is hushed in the presence of Almighty God.
And, guard that quiet time:
Abide in Christ! Let no one think that he can do this if he does not daily have his quiet time, his seasons of meditation and waiting on God. Only then will the believer go out into the world and its distractions with the peace that passes all understanding [guarding] the heart and mind. (Phil 4:7) — Murray
This is so deep! What do you think? Where do you struggle in stillness of soul? What other disciplines have you found helpful in cultivating this spiritual disposition? Please share, or ask your questions here. Thanks! — Ali 🙂
Ali –
I love reading your blogs!
Love you 😘
Thank you, Susie! It’s my goal to bless you with these articles. 😊