What is the best conditioner for damaged hair? I’ve spent the last two decades seeking this answer. One could say I’m an expert. ? My quest? Find a natural conditioner (of the leave-in or wash-out variety) that works without stinking.
It’s harder than you might think. But through the years, I’ve returned, time and time again, to Aveda. This company, I can say with confidence, truly makes the best.
Are you in need of healthy hair, without weird chemicals and overpowering fragrances? Then read on! I’ve done the sniffing and styling for you. ?
You might be surprised what’s at stake when it comes to fragrance. Your sense of smell is linked to emotions and memory recall in the brain.
Scent is also a key component of mindfulness practice. When you focus on a singular fragrance and allow your breathing to deepen, your scattered mind becomes more grounded.
That is, provided the scent doesn’t give you a headache.
Do certain smells trigger nausea for you, or headaches? If so, you’re not alone. One in four Americans suffer from chemical sensitivity (according to an article published by United Press International — March 2018) . This includes exposure to insect spray, paint, cleaning supplies, and beauty product fragrances.
So where can you turn for healthy hair without itching or headaches?
Once my go-to for all things hair and body, I kept leaving Aveda and looking elsewhere. Why? Because they’re more expensive than the drugstore brands.
Although thirty dollars a bottle is a bit steep, I’ve come to realize that you get what you pay for. These are premium products. They are all natural, combining science with art in the blending of pure flower and plant essences.Quality costs something, and I’ve finally decided it’s worth it.
How do I fit this into my budget? I haven’t won the lottery, so, what changed?
A simple re-evaluation of needs, in light of a mindful lifestyle. The trade off is this: I don’t wear makeup (except for concealer), and I’m not into shoes or jewelry. But I do love my long, curly (ahem, unnaturally blonde) hair.?
I’ve decided therefore, that where beauty is concerned, hair elixirs get priority. And that means Aveda.
These are the absolute best you will ever find. And I don’t make that assertion lightly.
I know the quality after years of use, neglect, and now returning to Aveda’s exceptional product line. Even Andalou Naturals can’t make a damage repair conditioner that comes close. And that’s saying something (because I love their lotions and natural fragrances).
1. The Leave In Conditioner
Here’s the winner — the one you need to rescue your dry, damaged hair (and make your head smell like a dewy meadow — I’m not joking!).?
Aveda’s Damage Remedy Daily Hair Repair is the perfect consistency for scrunching into tired locks. No rinsing required. (Click the image to view on Amazon).

How do they do it? The lotion is moisturizing, yet somehow it manages this without heavy residues. Tangles simply melt away.
Damage Remedy‘s effectiveness is matchless. I don’t even need any styling products. It’s that good at defining curls without clumping.
The Scent — Nature in a Bottle
If you’re sensitive to artificial fragrances, you needn’t worry. This completely natural product releases a subtle aroma. The fragrance is botanical, layered with hints of floral. Honestly, just one inhale and I’m walking through the wildflowers after a refreshing rain.?️?
Just like the substance, the scent lacks any heaviness. It’s light and a little earthy, but again, just airy enough too. And did I mention botanical?
I catch myself grabbing fistfuls of hair and just smelling it!
2. The Wash Out Conditioner
Going Aveda all the way? Then dump that mediocre cream rinse and up your hair’s hydration with Damage Remedy’s wash-out conditioner. It preps your hair, and pairs perfectly with the leave-in elixir.
Together these two leave my locks feeling smoother, softer, and somehow even lighter. Both the wash-out and leave-in conditioners are peerless. They even share the same scent.

There’s a simplicity in living with lighter, natural fragrances. Whether you’re sensitive or not, limiting the number of scents you wear creates space.
Space for what? For greater enjoyment of those smells you intentionally choose. Healthy fragrances have so much to offer, especially when you consider the benefits of aromatherapy.
Sensory pollution is on the uptick, with so many stimuli bombarding your senses. The result is overwhelm for some — sensory dullness for others. Occasionally this barrage is forced upon you, but often the choice is yours.
So pick the simple — the natural. And with Aveda — the superior quality. Choose intentional sensory awareness. In so doing you’ll live more deeply and breathe more freely.
I’d love to hear about it! So much is gained by sharing knowledge and pooling experience. I welcome your comments, findings and questions below. Yours in clean and simple living, Ali. ?
Hi Ali — my hair is not damaged and I’m not a sensitive sniffer. I’ve always used Pantene, but your advice has been so good in the past, now I’m going to try Aveda . Thanks!
Fantastic, Han! I think you will enjoy the refreshing natural fragrances and the quality products. If you don’t have dry or damaged hair, I would suggest one of their basic shampoos, such as Shampure or Brilliant. Enjoy!??